Monday, January 3, 2011

Feng Shui 2011

Feng Shui... What is it?

This is a very simple question that can be difficult to answer. Feng shui is an ancient art and science developed over 3,000 years ago in China. And it is a complex body of knowledge and tells how to balance the energies of any given space to ensure the health and good fortune of the people inhabiting it.

Feng means wind and shui means water. In Chinese culture, wind and water are associated with good health.

I am far from being an expert nor a deep understanding of Feng Shui but if you are an Architect or Interior Designer  here in Southeast Asia, more often than not, clients will ask for some practical advices. For example, in designing a house, again if required by the client, the floor plan starts with the "direction" of the house. A compass of course would give the designer the orientation of the lot where the house will be constructed. This orientation will then tell the designer where the main door of the house should face, followed by the other rooms of the house. A lot of other practical things are involved in it like: the number of steps (for a multi-story house) should not end with a "third" step. So we go counting: Oro, Plata, Mata.. steps should not end in "Mata".. Although strictly speaking, this is not Feng Shui anymore but still, some clients would want the designer to observe it.

A good book that simplified all these steps is: Feng Shui Today by Terri Rew. As some people say, there is no harm in observing these things as long as it will not totally dictate the way one lives.

Below are some very practical, not hard to follow Feng Shui tips:

1.  De-clutter your home
The most practical way to have a good feng shui is to de-clutter your home. Ideally, the home should undergo a thorough cleaning and letting go process (clutter clearing).  In feng shui, clearing up clutter and freeing up space helps to let go of any low and negative energy residues and brightens your home for better things to come.

2.  Oil Burners
Another easy way to space clear a home is by smudging, burning incense or diffusing essential oils into the air. Essential oils can create good feng shui energy simply by its soothing aroma. Be mindful though about distinguishing essential oils from perfumed or fragrant oils, which do not have the same healing properties because of the synthetic, artificial oil content. Essential oils are those that came from plant extracts only. 

3.  Wind Chimes
Wind chimes can be decorative, they can be musical and in Feng Shui, they can also be powerful tools. By using them properly, it is believed you can attract money and friends and promote health and harmony within your family.

For the best effect, choose a size suitable to the space. Very large chimes might be overwhelming indoors, but very small chimes might not be potent enough outside or in a large room. As for sound, the most important aspect to consider is how pleasing they are to the people occupying the space. Metal chimes usually work best, because their sound is the most penetrating.

4.  Clocks
Large clocks should not be displayed or used in bedrooms, specially the Master's Bedroom. For children's rooms though, large clocks are okay. If you are fond of large clocks, they should be used on the Living and Dining Rooms or the Kitchen. Metal clocks should not displayed near the main entrance. They should only be displayed in busy areas of the house like the Dining Room and Kitchen. 

If there are some clocks that are broken or not working, or simply run out of batteries, get them repaired, buy them new batteries or simply throw them out if already broken.

In summary, good Feng Shui means a clean, organized, clutter-free home. If there's some nice sound coming from metal-tubed wind chimes and nice smell from an oil burner, so much the better.

Let's all have good Feng Shui.!! :)


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